Craft projects add a creative touch to lessons about the body parts. They work well as a reinforcement to previous instruction on the topic. The craft projects allow for modification to fit the specific body parts being learned by the participants. Use the basic body parts as the focus for younger children. Change the details to focus on internal organs or bones for older children
Body Drawings
- A large piece of butcher paper allows the child to serve as the model for a life-size drawing of the body. Trace around the child on a piece of paper that is slightly taller than his body. Encourage the child to draw in facial features and add clothing to the body outline for a personalized look. Create a list of body part words that you are teaching. Have the child write the name of each body part on the picture, along with an arrow pointing directly to it. Another option is to print the body part names on sticky labels, having the child put the labels on top of the corresponding part on the picture.This also works well for learning the organs and bones of the body. Provide templates for each of the internal body parts, asking the child to color and cut them out. Help the child glue each internal body part in the correct location on the body outline, along with a label for the part.
Body Part Collages
- Make a list of the major body parts that form a person. This might include head, neck, chest, abdomen, right arm, left arm, legs and feet. Adapt the list to fit your specific needs. Provide magazines for the participants. The kids can search through the magazines and cut out pictures of each of the body parts. If they find a picture of an entire person, they can only cut out one of the body parts on the list from that person. They must find different pictures for each part. After a child finds all the parts, he can glue them on a piece of construction paper to create a person. The results are typically quite funny since each section comes from a different picture.Another option is to focus just on the face. Have each child cut out two different eyes, a nose, a mouth, two different ears and hair from pictures in a magazine. Glue the facial features on a piece of construction paper to create a funny face.
Body Part Book
Create a homemade book craft to practice the parts of the body. This book works well for the basic body parts for younger children or internal organs and bones for older children. Fold several pieces of paper in half to form the pages of the book. Use a piece of construction paper as the cover. Staple the spine of the book together to hold the pages in places. Make a list of the body parts for inclusion in the book. Have the kids draw one body part on each page. If they are old enough, have them write the name of the body part next to it. Older kids may add facts about the body parts for additional educational value.
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